Tuesday, July 20, 2010


 When she still small

 OMG she so cute haha :D

 Besteva of  Renata ♥

Other Friend of Renata ♥
Renata ♥
Renata is my name :)


Kak sorry kalau ini semua gak ada guna nya hehe, tapi aku cuma bisa kasih ini ke kakak
ihope you can keep this yaa :)

Ohya, Happy Birthday yaa wish you all the best and all your dream come true :)
Semoga cowok yang kakak suka in itu sadar kalau kakak bener bener sayang sama dia hehe

Don't worry be happy, just enjoy with your life :)
Everybody love you and care about you Okaay don't give up ya kak :))

*jelek banget yaa karya saya ck -,-

okaaaay one more HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENATA ZUHA ZARINA wish you all the best. and remember god always bless you :))

Semoga dengan umur yang sekarang bisa tambah dewasa dan serius buat menghadapi UN suoaya bisa masuk SMA yg bagusss haha okays daaay

w/ smile deyacdp :))
you know what i'm really love you guys but i'm really hate you too guys ..
hiks hiks hiks I hate friend you hate to know that!!
