Happy 100 Posting HAHAHA :D Already 100 Posting hehe :))
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Read it !
Hey Hey My Sweety blogger whats up? I know I already never post-ing but now I want to promote something lets reads :)
http://mydreamlands.tumblr .com/
Visit Please and Follow me :) i'll follow you back and i'll reblog your post :D
Ok bye haha :p
❤ DCDP ❤
Visit Please and Follow me :) i'll follow you back and i'll reblog your post :D
Ok bye haha :p
❤ DCDP ❤
Thursday, November 18, 2010
20 Sifat yang Menghancurkan Diri Sendiri

1. Bashful
Sering menghindari perhatian karena malu
2. Unforgiving
Sulit melupakan sakit hati atas ketidakadilan yang dialami, biasa mendendam
3. Resentful
Sering memendam rasa tidak senang akibat tersinggung oleh fakta/khayalannya
4. Fussy
Bersikeras minta perhatian besar pada perincian/hal yang sepele
5. Insecure
Sering merasa sedih/cemas/takut/kurang kepercayaan
6. Unpopular
Suka menuntut orang lain untuk sempurna sesuai keinginannya
7. Hard to please
Suka menetapkan standar yang terlalu tinggi yang sulit dipenuhi oleh orang lain
8. Pessimistic
Sering melihat sisi buruk lebih dulu pada situasi apapun
9. Alienated
Sering merasa terasing/tidak aman, takut jangan-jangan tidak disenangi orang lain
10. Negative attitude
Jarang berpikir positif, sering cuma melihat sisi buruk/gelap setiap situasi
11. Withdrawn
Sering lama-lama menyendiri/ menarik diri/mengasingkan diri
12. Too sensitive
Terlalu introspektif/ingin dipahami, mudah tersinggung kalau disalahpahami
13. Depressed
Hampir sepanjang waktu merasa tertekan
14. Introvert
Pemikiran & perhatiannya ditujukan ke dalam, hidup di dalam diri sendiri
15. Moody
Semangatnya sering merosot drastis, apalagi kalo merasa tidak dihargai
16. Skeptical
Tidak mudah percaya, mempertanyakan motif di balik kata-kata
17. Loner
Memerlukan banyak waktu pribadi, cenderung menghindari orang lain
18. Suspicious
Suka curiga/tidak percaya kata-kata orang lain
19. Revengeful
Sadar/tidak sadar sering menahan perasaan, menyimpan dendam, ingin membalas
20. Critical
Suka mengevaluasi/menilai/berpikir/mengkritik secara negatif
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
When you love someone…you open yourself up to suffering, that’s the sad truth. Maybe they’ll break your heart, maybe you’ll break their heart and never be able to look at yourself the same way. Those are risks. That’s the burden. Like wings, they have weight, we feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us.Burdens which allow us to fly.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
soul mate
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.
A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master…”
— Elizabeth Gilbert in “Eat, Pray, Love”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Awesome Things ❤
Hello blogger what's up? hell yeah im so sorry because long time no post anything xoxo :D but now, I want to share something to you. check this out!!!!!!!!!!
Hey this is my favorite laptop so moch, but only my favorite laptop because I can't have it this laptop! I know my dad never pay this for me :( But I wish someday I'll get this laptop xoxo :*
This is My Lsr favorite, this is Nikon D3 ! Oh my god you know how much for it? this 32.000.000 *thatsoamazing* I know I never get this camera because, who wanna buy it for me? my father? NEVER! I hope my uncle can bought for me please uncle :D Nikon D3❤
Guys this Iphone 4gs :D Its more awesome then Blackberry :p haha. This phone its very cool you can a video and edited the video after that you can sent to email or you can save in youtube! how cool its that? HAHA I know right but I NEVER GET THIS PHONE EVER !! haha just a dreaming :p
Guys to you know what its? OK Let me tell you this is IPAD ! what is Ipad? Ipad is a some phone but not a phone, you Online in here and you can playing some all games because the memories its so cool :p haha just for tell you but I will can never have it this Ipad!
Hey guys do you know this car? No? ok let me tell you! this is amazing car, why? because this is car the once is more expensive than every car. do you know how much this car? its about 1 milliyar haha maybe more! but I can't ever have it this car I'll someday I can have this car hehe :D
And the last. Do you know what it is? this a house of java. I want my house Like this! Someday after I can buy anything I want, I'll make this house or just buy it haha :p
I want this shoes so moch! you know why? because this is a shoes of Justin Bieber, and do you know hor much this shoes? This is almost 2.000.000 the originaly, but the KW idk. I wish my dream can come true have this shoes ❤ 

I want this headphone so moch :* you know why? Sometime Im think about how cool if I wearing this headphone on my head :D Idk how much this headphone, but i'll have it someday hehe :)

Ok I think is enough, bye ❤ xoxo
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Helo blogger now I want to share something its no important, but for me is important. check this out !!!
Ada anak cewek, nama nya http://www.facebook.com/arum.pusporini dia selalu ngikutin semua apa yang gua milikin, dia pernah bilang ke gua kalau gua cuma bisanya ngikutin gaya dia tapi kenyataan nya dia yang ngikutin gua ! buktinya? nama album gue yang isinya foto editan yg gue buat adalah 'DCDP Object' dan dimana semua foto2nya itu ada tulisan 'DCDP Object'. dan arum asu itu ngikutin nama album nya 'abu abu <3' walaupun nama album nya gak sama tapi di setiap foto dia ada tulisan 'arum pusporini object' alah gua gak suka bgt ada orang yang ngikutin gue!!!!!!!! hah bisa gak sih lo gak usah ngikutin gue !! oh ya lo itu selalu nge add temen2 fb gue, emang lo gak punya temen ya? sampe2 lo nge add semua temen2 di fb gue? hah? oh iya lupa gue kan temen2 lo alay alay semua HAHAHA LOL !! dan dari gaya lo foto itu ngikutin orang banget sumpah gua gak bohong . dari dulu lo selalu ngikutin apa yg gua milikin, tapi gue selalu sabar ya! tapi kesabaran gua masih ada batas nya kali njing tot!! sampe2 gua nulis di wall fb lo 'arum gak usah ngikutin apa apa dari gue napa, ish elu mah gitu bgt -_-' hah baru gue tuls kaya gitu ya belum aja kalo lo makin meraja rela gua bisa lebih frontal ya arum TAYANG !! ah persetan sama lo rum najis gue kira dulu lo pinter kreatif tapi lo pinter gak kreatif ck gua mah cuma bisa ingetin elo doang ya HAHAHA! kalo lo udah baca blog gue, gue harap lo sadar ya! OH YA JANGAN NGIKUTIN BLOG GUE YA ARUM ASU !!!!!
GARA GARA LO GUE LANGSUNG GANTI ALBUM PHOTO GUE JADI 'DCDP Works' nah lo puas hah? puas lo anjing arum!! aaah dasar lo boneka anjing boneka iblis lo!! i hate you and I want to kill you *with face like a devil* xoxo
Ada anak cewek, nama nya http://www.facebook.com/arum.pusporini dia selalu ngikutin semua apa yang gua milikin, dia pernah bilang ke gua kalau gua cuma bisanya ngikutin gaya dia tapi kenyataan nya dia yang ngikutin gua ! buktinya? nama album gue yang isinya foto editan yg gue buat adalah 'DCDP Object' dan dimana semua foto2nya itu ada tulisan 'DCDP Object'. dan arum asu itu ngikutin nama album nya 'abu abu <3' walaupun nama album nya gak sama tapi di setiap foto dia ada tulisan 'arum pusporini object' alah gua gak suka bgt ada orang yang ngikutin gue!!!!!!!! hah bisa gak sih lo gak usah ngikutin gue !! oh ya lo itu selalu nge add temen2 fb gue, emang lo gak punya temen ya? sampe2 lo nge add semua temen2 di fb gue? hah? oh iya lupa gue kan temen2 lo alay alay semua HAHAHA LOL !! dan dari gaya lo foto itu ngikutin orang banget sumpah gua gak bohong . dari dulu lo selalu ngikutin apa yg gua milikin, tapi gue selalu sabar ya! tapi kesabaran gua masih ada batas nya kali njing tot!! sampe2 gua nulis di wall fb lo 'arum gak usah ngikutin apa apa dari gue napa, ish elu mah gitu bgt -_-' hah baru gue tuls kaya gitu ya belum aja kalo lo makin meraja rela gua bisa lebih frontal ya arum TAYANG !! ah persetan sama lo rum najis gue kira dulu lo pinter kreatif tapi lo pinter gak kreatif ck gua mah cuma bisa ingetin elo doang ya HAHAHA! kalo lo udah baca blog gue, gue harap lo sadar ya! OH YA JANGAN NGIKUTIN BLOG GUE YA ARUM ASU !!!!!
GARA GARA LO GUE LANGSUNG GANTI ALBUM PHOTO GUE JADI 'DCDP Works' nah lo puas hah? puas lo anjing arum!! aaah dasar lo boneka anjing boneka iblis lo!! i hate you and I want to kill you *with face like a devil* xoxo
God Help us ....
#prayforindonesia :’(
Be Patient Indonesia ! God save my life and all people out there, I know we has so many mistakes but please keep everybody life :'(
Monday, November 1, 2010
Welcome to November
Hello My Sweety Blogger :) Im so sorry because longtime not posting hehe, but now I want to tell something to you! check this out :)
Welcome to November and Good Bye Ocktober …
In this November I hope something change! I My wish only three..
First : I wish god can save my life and save my family & my friends J
Second : I wish my score in school is good looking and I can make my self, my family, and my family pround of me :*
Third : I wish all my wish be come true, God I hope you can keep my life and everybody out there !
I hope this month can change my life and make me better than before J
❤ DCDP ❤
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